Saturday, January 9

Pop Bottles

This Week: Brandon Biebel

Where'd you grow up
I was born in
Chicago and my family moved from Chicago to Sac when I was like 2 years old so I've grown up and lived here for the last 26 years and I really enjoy Sacramento

If you weren't a skateboarder you'd be
If I wasn't a skateboarder I have absolutely no idea were I would be and don't even like thinking about that because skateboarding has done everything for me and is my life so I wouldn't want it to be any other way

Top 3 spots to skate
Sacramento, Berrics, Barcelona and pretty much anywhere as long as I'm with my friends

Right now you're listening to
Listening to nothing but
Lil Wayne for the last 5 years

Which icon do you use most when you Twitter from your Iphone
Thumbs up beer smokes basketballs diamonds and palm trees

Your dream wifey is
My dream wifey would have to be
Beyonce she is the baddest chick

Tell us about your dog
My dog is a Pomeranian his name is Louie and he's 7 years old and he's pretty much awesome!! Just a little embarrassing taking for walks sometimes.

Greatest accomplishment
Just being respected for what I do with my skateboard

Biggest influence
Biggest influence growing up was
Michael Jordan he is THE GREATEST!!

If you could be anywhere right now you'd be
If I could be anywhere I'd be on vacation in
Hawaii, oh shit I am on vacation in Hawaii !!!

Follow Brandon's shenaniganz :

NEXT WEEK: amazing photographer Dani Brubaker

1 comment:

  1. beebs is tha shit. Made me wanna step up my heel game. Thanks for the interview.
